Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Ramadan Diary Day 22 (Wednesday 31st July 2013)

Salam Everyone :D

Ok today I have to say I'm not so happy. Why you ask? Well, I went into my workplace for the training and I find out that Keisha may not be able to continue her business there because of license issues which means she can't train me which is why I told her to let me know tomorrow what is her final decision and I also suggested to find a another place to carry out her business :) which again she said she would look into it and let me know tomorrow what's going to happen :)

She also told me that she doesn't want to leave me hanging and if I come across any other opportunities to take it. End of it all there is a least possible chance for me to get a job there - again I got my hopes up too soon and let myself down - so I'm back to searching for a job again.

I started thinking that maybe that this was meant to be but my ultimate goal is to be become a primary school teacher and also a famous author :) At the moment my teaching would be on hold because of the teaching experience and PGCE situation. However, I'm feeling very optimistic about my story because you all are reading my expressive writing blog so hopefully I will get out more chapters soon and update it :)

That's all for today, oh also I not been feeling well today my body has been in a lot of pain!! It's like I have RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) all over my body including my toes and my fingers.  Very painful but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about :)

Anyways I hope this doesn't sound too negative - honestly saying I actually feel really happy with my story!! I'm kind of very excited!! :D anyways take care and be positive :D xoxox

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