Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Ramadan Diary - Day 5 (Monday 22nd June 2015)

Hey Everyone!! :D

Hope all is well with you. I am going to try and keep this one shirt because I don't want to take up much more of my sleep then I already have.

Okay today I wasn't fasting and didn't read either because I was sort of taking a break day. I had other things to do today but I didn't want to make anything but my health a priority this time.

My health today was fluctuating a lot as usual and yes I am taking my medication. I wish I could do more but things takes time and this is something Allah has given me to test my patience and to see how well I do.

Fasting wise I was asked by many of I was fasting and how it was going and most of the people I told know about my salty so I told them. I also asked them and this year around I must admit I think people are finding it a lot more at ease. Which I hope In Sha Allah that it will be a more at ease and peaceful one. Don't overwork yourself and make sure your intention is pure no matter what action you're about to take.

Ok well that's all for today :) I shall catch up with you all in my next Diary entry. If you can I would love to hear how you are all coping with iron those who know people who are fasting what's it like for you to know someone who does this every year for a whole month? How does it affect your surrounding and environment? If it doesn't how do you think it will be better next time and what would you change? Leave a comment below and let me know a little about your experience.

Take care and think positive 
Tarana A beaming star shining with positivity for the world to embrace xoxox

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